March 1, 2024

To see the truth in spite of your circumstances is the greatest mental work, the work of kings and queens, the essential quality of great leaders. To see abundance in the face of poverty, to see health in the face of a devastating disease, to see victory in the face of inevitable defeat, is our highest mental calling and the hallmark of a leader.

Winston Churchill was such a man. It was 1940, and most of Europe had fallen under the Nazi blitzkrieg; Hitler appeared unstoppable. Churchill described the situation as “our darkest hour.” Despite these circumstances, he conveyed unshakable courage and leadership. At the time, the Americans had not yet entered the war, the Germans had not yet attacked Russia, and Great Britain stood alone against the Germans as the only unoccupied antagonist in Western Europe. The Germans were positioned on the coast of France 90 miles from the heart of the British Empire, the most expansive empire the world had ever known. Bombs called “blockbusters” indiscriminately rained down on London. Not only were the British in grave danger, but so was the fate of the world. In the midst of these unimaginable circumstances, Churchill motivated an entire nation when he stated during the Battle of Britain: “…If the British Empire…lasts for 1,000 years, men will still say, this was their finest hour.”

A year later, Churchill continued to inspire people around the world through the greatness of his will. One inspirational speech he gave at the Farrow school in 1941 opened with: “Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever give up, never give up, never give up, never give up.” This became a rallying cry for the people of the world who faced the evilest threat in human history. Through his certainty, Churchill inspired a whole generation.

Churchill was not only focused and courageous, but he also had the ability to see the possibilities in spite of an extremely challenging situation. Leaders have the greatest tolerance for the gap between the present reality and their vision. Leaders are also able to manage the tension between apparently dire circumstances and the desired result. This ability is what enables leaders to transform the world. To be an inspirational leader, you must learn to manage greater and greater tension.

With an understanding of the creative process, you will be able to see truth amidst any difficult circumstances in your life. Accomplished leaders are masters of the creative process. They will adopt a vision bigger and bolder than most people can imagine. This new vision becomes their truth, despite their current circumstances. The vision dominates their thoughts, feelings, and actions. Victory is all they see; they are singularly focused no matter what. There is no obstacle and no situation that is too big for them. Such leaders manage the tension between their current unwanted circumstances and their new vision better than the masses of men who would like to see things stay as they are or are afraid to make bold changes.

There are many great leaders who have transformed the world: Lincoln saw a greater America, as he sought to abolish the greatest stain on American history, Gandhi envisioned a greater India that was free to control its own destiny, and Churchill saw a world free of tyranny and created it. The Churchills of the world understand that the first step to successful leadership is being able to lead yourself because internal victories always precede external victories. All leaders have learned to manage the tensions in their own lives before tackling the challenges that affect the entire world. Personal victories typically include the areas of health, finances, and relationships. For instance, your greatest opportunity for internal victory could be maintaining a healthy weight and exercise regimen. Similarly, the focus and discipline to manage and grow a successful business can help you become the person you want to be. Finally, to develop, maintain, and nurture successful relationships gives you confidence in and an understanding of the creative process. All these personal or “internal” practices strengthen your leadership potential.

Leadership tension is the most valuable, and perhaps the rarest, commodity in the world. Despite its rarity, you have the innate ability to be a great leader. As you learn to manage the tension between your current reality and your vision, you will strive for greater and more rewarding visions, which ultimately reveal the leader in you. You will then be able to manage greater and greater amounts of tension as you master the creative process. Keep in mind that external victories will follow your internal victories. You will transform the world in your own special and unique way.

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